An issue can occur because of the credit card vault expiry date, especially if you’ve changed your event date. If the vault has expired too early, you can ask attendees to re-enter their credit card details (for example, via an interactive site).
Also, adding Credit Card Guarantee to websites will only store details if the Credit Card Vault is correctly enabled – see below.
Setup Panel
Navigate to Accommodation ->
Enable Credit Card Vault and Store CCV Number are selected, you’ll see “Keep Credit
Card Number in the vault for [number of days] days after the event”.
IMPORTANT: The vault expiry date is fixed for each
card the moment they’re submitted, based on the above settings in Accommodation
Preferences. For PCI compliance reasons, this expiry date will NOT update, even
if you change your event end date or accommodation preferences.
After the credit card vault expiry date,
all credit card details are permanently deleted and can’t be retrieved (again,
for PCI compliance). The card details need to be re-added by your attendees.
CCV numbers are stored separately, and
this information expires 24 hours after hotel check-out.