The EventsAir opening screen is the first screen you see when you log in:
You can always return to this opening screen by clicking on the name of the current event you're working on (the event name is centered at the very top of your EventsAir screen when you're working within an event).
The EventsAir opening screen displays the following sections:
- Current (Events or Meetings)
- Recent (Events or Meetings) - will also highlight any alerts for these events
- Events (shows all Events you have access to)
- Event Search Options
- by Name
- By Month
- By Year
- Quick Event Search
- Event Search Filter
- By Name
- By Event Start and End Date
- By Event Group
- By Event Location
- By Event Custom Fields
- Application Setup
- New Event creation (you can also delete or archive an existing event)
Current (Events or Meetings)
The far-left column (under CURRENT) shows any events or meetings you're currently working on. You can have more than one event active at a time, so this is a very useful feature for the busy meeting planner!
Recent (Events or Meetings)
The second column (RECENT) shows a list of events or meetings you have opened recently.
All (Events or Meetings)
The third column (EVENTS) shows a list of all meetings you have created in alphabetical order. This section will display the following information:
- Open / Edit - the small menu to the left of each event lets you edit the event settings, or open the event.
- Name - the name of the event.
- Start Date
- End Date
- Location
- Type - indicates if this is an event or a contact store.
- Favorites - selecting the star to the left of the event name will turn it yellow and bring this event to the top of your list.
Quick Event Search
If you have many events in your system, you can enter part or all of an event name to quickly locate the specific event.
Quick Open and Edit Menu
Click on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) for a specific event to open or edit that event.
This menu also lets you Delete or Archive an event. Be sure you understand what this involves before taking either of these actions.
Event Alerts
If you see an orange or red indicator on a specific event, the number displayed indicates the number of high (orange) or critical (red) alerts that are new for this event.
Application Setup
The Application Setup button gives you access to overall platform settings for EventsAir:
- Event Groups - define different types of events or meetings (a group of events you manage for a particular client, workshop series, sales meetings, etc.)
- Custom Field Tabs - create sensible groupings for your custom fields by keeping related items on their own custom tab.
- Custom Fields - useful for creating custom fields you can access from multiple events.
- Text Message Gateway - this advanced section is used to set up Text Message (SMS) gateways for use with EventsAir.
- E-Commerce Gateway - lets you define a credit card gateway for connecting credit card payments in EventsAir to your merchant account.
- PayPal Accounts - lets you define a PayPal account for accepting payments into EventsAir.
- Password Policy - define the length, content and re-use settings for passwords.
- Users - set up all users for EventsAir. Each user will be assigned access/security levels for different areas of EventsAir in addition to their login information.
- Analytics Accounts - set the account details for your Google Analytics Account.
- System Brands - create different sets of visual elements like fonts, colors and images, to easily re-use a look & feel for different System Apps.
- System App Store - mobile apps focused on global, system-level functionality.
- Currency Library - set up all currencies you will be using for your event.
- Language - set up all languages you will be using for your event.
- Ports Library - create a list of all travel ports that can be used by the Travel module.
- Carriers Library - create a list of all travel carriers that can be used by the Travel module.
Read this article to learn more about Application Setup.
New Event Creation
As the name implies, this is where you set up your new event or meeting:
- Create an alias URL.
- Clone from existing events if you like.
- Define which modules you want to include in the event.
- Define which users of EventsAir can access the event.
- Define custom fields for inclusion in the event.
Read this article to learn more about setting up a new event. Information about archiving and deleting an event is included.
Event Dashboard
Clicking on a specific event or meeting will always take you to the Dashboard for that event. This "home base" provides you with key event information in one place organized with helpful widgets. These user-friendly widgets have icons to represent key categories of information. You can customize your Dashboard for each event by adding or removing widgets.
Read this article to learn more about the Dashboard.