Travel module (setup)

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In the Travel module, you set up various travel types and sectors so you can easily add these to interactive sites, import data from your travel agents' systems, and more. 

Read more about importing travel details.

After you create Travel Sectors in this module, you can add them to your interactive (registration) site so your attendees can book travel online when they register. When you add these components to your registration site, you can also nominate which details will be displayed. Read more about adding information to online registration sites.

You'll probably also want to communicate itinerary information to your attendees about the travel they've booked, using tools such as Merge Docs and the My Agenda component in your Attendee App, and each attendee's Itinerary document (in personalized documents). Search this help site for more information on these tools. 

Travel module - Preferences

When you set up the Travel module (in the Setup Panel), you'll begin with Preferences:

  • Record Ticket Numbers - check this option to collect ticket details during registration.
  • Local Ports - you can add one or more ports (or airports) from the library. 

In Application Setup, you'll find default libraries of countries, ports, and carriers (airlines) to select from.

  • Time Zone - check this option to enable time zone tracking.
  • Manual Override - check this option to allow authorized EventsAir users to override inventory when manually adding bookings.

Travel module - Payment and Cancelation policies

As for other modules, you can create Payment and Cancelation policies for the whole module. Once you do this, you'll also see these options on individual travel type items, and you can choose to use the default or override it.

For both payment and cancelation, a "Policy" is made up of both a schedule and Terms & Conditions:

  • Payment and Cancelation Schedules are not seen by your attendees, but are used by EventsAir to calculate payments due and refunds issued to attendees.
  • Payment and Cancelation Terms and Conditions are the written statements seen by your attendees during the online registration process.

    Read more about Payment and Cancelation policies.

Travel Types

This is where you can define various Travel Types, for example:

  • Airline Travel
  • Rail Travel
  • Bus Travel
  • International Travel
  • Domestic Travel

Travel Type - Payment & Cancelation Policy Tabs

When you set up each Travel Type, you can choose to either use the Default Payment/Cancelation Policy or define a Custom version, just for this one Travel Type.

Travel Type - Advanced Details

This is where you can review/modify other elements of this travel type, such as:

  • Unique Code - add a code for back-end use.
  • Include Travel Tax Before Tax Calculation - check this box if you want to apply this option (you'll add a value for Travel Tax when you create a Travel Sector)
  • Valid Payment Status - the default payment statuses are Purchase, Inclusive, Complimentary, and Canceled. You can also enable additional payment statuses, such as:
    • No Charge
    • Own Expense
    • Invited
    • Not Attending
    • Not Required
    • Deposit
    • Charge to Another Contact
    • Split Charge
  • Invoice Group
  • Credit Hours/Points
  • Income Account - for budgeting and accounting management
  • Tax - you can add tax(es) here, but you need to have set them up earlier in your Event Setup (Financials).
  • Cancelation Fee and Tax - add the necessary details here (again, you need to have set up the tax earlier).

Travel Sectors

A sector might be one 'leg' of a multi-part journey, or a complete journey on its own. You can define specific flights (or other types of transport) that you know your attendees will be using, based on what you've set up with your travel agent or various carriers.

By creating sectors with all the details included, your attendees can easily book their travel via your interactive (registration) site.

You can also add a "multi-sector" option to your registration site, adding more than one sector to it.

When setting up a sector, you would define: 

  • Name - name of sector.
  • Travel Type - that you've already created in the "Travel Type" section above.
  • Flight Number - obtain this from the carrier or your travel agent.
  • Carrier - select from a list (there is a default list/library of carriers, in Application Setup - Libraries).
  • Class - fill this in, using all capitals (e.g. FIRST, BUSINESS, ECONOMY)
  • Departure date and ETD (estimated time of departure) - get these details from the carrier or your travel agent.
    Time Zone for Departure  - select from a dropdown list of world time zones (automatically available).
  • Arrival date and ETA (estimated time of arrival) - get these details from the carrier or your travel agent.
    Time Zone for Arrival - select from a dropdown list of world time zones (automatically available).

These Time Zone settings will only be visible if you enabled them earlier, in your Travel module Preferences.

  • Port - airport or port name (again, you will find the default list in Application Setup - Libraries).
  • Terminal - e.g. domestic or international
  • Booking reference - tracking number issued by the carrier.
  • Amount - cost of this sector 
  • Tax - add any travel tax amount here (this will be a flat tax so you just enter the amount - no need to set up in Financials.
  • Enable Multi-currency - you'll see this option if multi-currency is enabled in your event, and you'll have the option to override the default currency conversions. 
  • Inventory - you can specify a maximum availability for this sector (useful for arranging group travel).
  • Optional Alert - you can set up an alert for when the number of tickets falls below a specified amount.
  • Comment - include any extra notes you need.

Travel Sector - Advanced tab

In the Sector - Advanced section, you can review or modify these settings:

  • Unique Code - add a code for back-end use.
  • Allow Over-Allocation - check this box if you want to allow over-booking of travel sectors.
  • Hide Over-Allocation Warning - this option turns off the warning when over-booking travel.
  • Valid Payment Statuses - set the Payment Statuses (No Charge, Deposit, etc.) that can be used with this Sector.
  • Invoice Group - lets you assign a specific code to each invoice group, for easy tracking and reporting.
  • Credit Hours / Points - lets you assign credit hours or points.
  • Tax - add any taxes as required by your region. (You need to have set up all your taxes first in the Setup Panel, under Financials.)
  • Cancelation Fee and Tax - add a cancelation fee and any relevant tax (again, you need to have set up this tax earlier in Financials).