Yes, there are two ways to create multiple diaries if an exhibitor wants to do this across multiple booths.
Because each exhibitor's contact record
should only have one exhibition item on their record, there are various ways to
handle this. You should consider what suits your needs best - having multiple contact records should be approached with caution.
You can either:
1. Set up a stand type (in Set up panel) to allow multiple diaries as the default. You might do this if you think this feature would be frequently requested. Even if multiple diaries per stand is not set up as the default, you can still manually go into an exhibitor's contact record and add a new diary (or multiple diaries) as needed.
2. Have your exhibitor's 'single' stand include all their stands. For example, rather than setting up stands 136, 137 and 138, create 'stand' 136-138, which has 3 diaries.
Create an
individual contact record for each stand the exhibitor has.
2. Add a separate meeting diary for that exhibitor to each stand.
3. Ask the exhibitor to log into each contact record (via the portal) to manage the 3 separate meeting diaries.