User Tools (icons on the top right)

In the top right hand corner of each EventsAir panel, you will see a row of icons. These icons provide you with different tools that you can access from any part of the EventsAir platform.

These icons are:

Project Overview - this shows a global list of all your projects across all your events, showing either all team members' tasks or just your assigned tasks.
Contact Locator - this global search tool lets you find specific records, looking through all events, past events only or current events only.
AIRDrive - this is a global cloud storage facility for images, documents and any other files you need stored during your event (including attendee and presenter uploads).
Update User Account - this tool allows you to quickly change user details and passwords when needed.
Help or Learn - selecting Help will take you to useful articles. The Learn option links you to the Fast Track Education Platform.
Log Out - logs you out of EventsAir.