Organizer App

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The Organizer App puts EventsAir features onto any mobile device so you can easily work onsite during the event.

Setting up and publishing your Organizer App is very similar to the Attendee App - you use the drag-and-drop builder, set your details, add user permissions, and you're finished!

You can even create multiple Organizer Apps for the same event if you need to.


When amending or deleting an app alert - designed to appear in either an Attendee App or an Organizer App (or both) - you're unable to edit or remove the app alert within five minutes of the send time. [New app alerts can still be created, as the queuing system handles them differently.]

If you try to make changes or delete an app alert within 5 minutes of the alert being scheduled to send, this may appear to work, but doesn't have time to take effect. 

Creating your Organizer App 

In the Online Panel, under NEW MOBILE APP, choose "Organizer App" from the "Type" dropdown.

  • Application Name - give your Organizer App a name (can be edited later).  
  • Event App Code - add a phrase or code to be used by your team members when first opening the app from their iOS or Android device (initially set when you create a new app, but can be edited at a later point). Do NOT include spaces in the app code.
  • Clone from - check this box if you want to copy an Organizer App as the basis for this one.

    Then select the "Create" button.

Elements in the Organizer App Builder

Below is a list of the sections you can add to your Organizer App, along with Log In and Log Out.

For each element, you can adjust the following:

  • Heading
  • Icon color, background color & text color (and the same for when the icon is selected)
  • Icon for this element
  • Icon border color
Tip: Pressing Save will save your changes and close the Builder. Pressing Save & Preview will leave the Builder open, and open the App in your browser so you can see how your changes look.


  • Event Check-In - see a list of registered attendees and mark them as having checked in to the event
  • Function Check In - see attendees for a specific function and mark them as checked-in to the function
  • Session Scan In - see attendees for a specific session and mark them as checked-in to the session
  • Session Scan Out - see attendees for a specific session and mark them as checked-out of the session
  • Attendees - quickly search for and locate a specific attendee; see all details and bookings, and even connect to a registration site to pay any outstanding balances, or book extra items. You can also capture or import a photo and crop the image during the import process. See Attendee Photo Management for more details.
  • Attendee Alerts - conference-wide messages and updates (see note above about the time limit on last-minute changes and deletions)
  • EventStream - adds the scrolling EventStream Social Network to the Organizer App. Organizers can post photos, videos (up to 10 seconds), comments, tags and likes for other entries (just like attendees). Organizers can also review, edit and delete attendee posts
  • EventStream Reporter - allows a nominated person to contribute to EventStream, assign hashtags and add a default message (chosen from a list)
  • Engage Points - monitor and edit gamification points
  • Agenda - lets you see the full agenda for the event
  • Run Sheet - see all Run Sheet tasks in chronological order, and check them off as complete My Run Sheet - shows just the specific run sheet tasks for each team member (who can check them off as complete)
  • Team News - useful for sending out scheduled or on-the-fly news updates to your management team
  • Organizer Alerts - send app alerts to the members of your management team
  • Event Alerts - see your current Critical & High priority event-level alerts in the Organizer App (these are different to app alert announcements - read more in this article).
  • Quick Reports -any Quick Reports in your Reporting Panel can be seen in the Organizer App 
  • Publish App Alerts and News - lets you send out alerts and news updates to both the Attendee App and the Organizer App. This has the same functionality as sending out News and Alerts from the Communications Panel (see note above about time limits)
  • Static Content - lets you add contact pages, links to other URLs, Google Maps and more
  • Twitter Feed - collects relevant X (Twitter) posts from attendees and displays them in real time in the Organizer App
  • Local Storage - lets you choose what Organizer App data is stored on your local device so you can use it without an internet connection.

When using the Local Storage option, you can choose which data to save locally, allowing you to perform dozens of onsite tasks even if you lose internet connectivity. 

Slide the On/Off slider for each item, then choose Update Local Storage to save the current data to the local device.

In case of a connection outage or problem, use the Switch to Offline Mode button.

Management tasks can continue without delay.

When connectivity is restored, organizers can switch back to online mode and all data is synchronized to the cloud.

Taking/editing attendee photos

Within the Attendees element is an option to Capture Photo. This lets you or your team use their phone or tablet camera to add or replace an attendee headshot.

If you need to replace or upload an image, select Add/Replace Photo, and import a new photo, including one you've just taken.

When selected, can also crop the image appropriately.

Organizer App - Details tab

URLs and QR Codes

The organizer app will display installation URLs and QR codes for all three versions (which includes iOS and Android apps). These URLs and QR codes can be shared in communications or printed materials to provide a quick way to install the Organizer App. Please note the following recommendations:

  • HTML5 allows the Organizer App to be installed on any platform via a web URL.
  • For iOS and Android Apps, the URL will direct your team to the appropriate App Store on their device, and display the Organizer App from EventsAir for installation. (Alternatively, they can visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and search for "Centium Software Organizer App".) 

Details tab - settings

You should review the following:

  • Availability - set the start and end dates for this Organizer App
  • Sign In Heading and Instructions - change the default heading and login instructions here
  • Username (Label) - the default is "Email" 
  • Password Label - the default is "Password"
  • Sign In (Label) - the default is "Sign In"
  • Allow Sign In - define who can sign in to the app with their username and password:
    • EventsAir Users - EventsAir users with access to this event can log in with their EventsAir username and password.
      [If you check this box, you may want to change the default label for "Username" to "Email or EventsAir Username"]
    • Team Members - you can create a Team Member in the event Setup Panel, under Advanced Setup - Project Manager. For each team member, there's a check box for access to Organizer Apps. This is also where you can see and change passwords for Team Members.
Tip: If you are using native iOS and Android versions of the app, you can also track the native app usage with Google Analytics. You can use the same Google Analytics account to track them all, and even break the data down into the separate versions inside Google Analytics by creating separate views.

Details tab - Messages

Enter your default messages for "App is not yet open" and "App is Closed".

Details tab - Style

In the Style Tab, you set up the look and feel of the Organizer App.

Choose a theme

Each theme creates a distinct and useful Organizer App design, including unique navigation, icons, colors, and other design elements. All themes can be customized once applied, and themes can be changed and published instantly to your attendees.

Standard themes include:

  • Classic - The look and feel of the original Organizer App.
  • Ribbon - A unique color and navigation format including different styles of graphical headers.
  • Vertical - A vertical listing format with a swipe to the right to view details about different options.
  • Mosaic - A grid format with an up/down swipe for navigation.
  • Custom - You can start with any other theme then switch to Custom. Here, you can further customize your Organizer App.

When you select a theme, you can also see a preview of what the default theme looks like. You can also customize different aspects of the theme once you select it.

Theme Settings

The options in Theme Settings will change with the Theme you select. These settings will let you modify different aspects of the theme, including:

  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • Navigation Options
  • Button Style
  • Ribbon Shapes
  • Ribbon Text

Icon and Splash Settings

Here, you can modify different icon and splash screen settings, including:

  • App Icon - you can create a custom icon (144x144 pixels) in place of the default EventsAir icon
  • Splash image (640 x 960)
  • Splash Image Background Color
  • Header Image (1440 x 205)
  • Header image position
  • Header Background Color
  • Background Image

Details tab - Localization

All global Localization settings for Language are configured in Application Setup, Language. However, you can still make unique local changes for this app.

Override App Default Language - tick to enable this feature

  • Base Language - choose the language (based on what you have in Application Setup)
  • Search - to speed up finding a text string in the list
  • Original - the original text string
  • Language Override - enter the text for the Language you want. This will default to the setting from Language Setup for this app, but you can also change it here if you need a special text string unique to this app.