How do I set up a raffle-style (lottery-style) prize draw?

1. Go to the Communications panel

2. Select “Manage EventStream” from Actions – the icon is a paper plane inside a speech bubble.

3. Under the Engage tab, there are three headings: Goals, Badges, Prizes.

4. Under Prize, select “Add Prize”.

5. For Type, choose Prize Draw from the drop-down.

6. You need to fill out name and description and supply an image (maximum 1440 pixels wide – test images to make sure they appear correctly in smart devices).

7. Nominate how many points are needed to get 1 ticket. (Enter this number in the “Attendees Receive 1 Ticket for Every (Ticket to Points Earned)” field.

  1. Order – you can set the order that prizes appear in the Attendee App. (Zero will be 1st, 1 will appear second, and so on.)
  2. Filter Potential Winners – You can use this option to filter for the allowed attendees to participate in the prize draw. For example, you may wish to exclude staff, speakers or exhibitors from a prize draw. Be sure to follow any laws and regulations for your region in relation to running prize draws.

  3. You can also make the prize draw inactive for a time if needed (and reactivate it later).

To draw the prize, use the EventStream Engage Analytics app, under Prize Draw.