EventsAir Platform Updates


Microsoft Azure Time Series Insights update
We'll update this page regularly. You'll be able to see the 'last updated' time and date at the top of the article.  (If you don’t use OnAIR analytics/reporting, you can disregard the rest of this informa...
EventsAir Azure Migration - Overview & FAQs
Status Update 99% of tenants have now been successfully migrated, and the vast majority experienced no disruptions and are reporting overall improved performance. For those customers who did experience hiccups (mostly related ...
Azure migration - extra information and miscellaneous FAQs
Azure Migration - Other FAQs For other custom development information - go to this page For payment gateway information - go to this page For custom domain information - go to this page Will my custom-branded Attendee App need...
EventsAir Azure migration - Payment Gateways with Static IP addresses
If  your p ayment gateway/payment processor  currently  relies on a static IP addres s, it  will  stop working  after the migration.   What you need to do:   ...
EventsAir Azure Migration - Custom Domains
If you have a custom domain (for example, for your event website, registration site/forms), you may need to make some changes.  [Note - email custom domains will be unaffected. Don't make changes to these.] See full in...
EventsAir Azure Migration - Custom Development
I have a custom developed solution that relies on a whitelisted static IP address - what do I need to do? Talk to your IT department or developer about where they may have whitelisted a static IP address when your custom dev solution was suppl...