EventsAir Education Resources
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Toggle navigation
Before you start
What's possible in EventsAir?
The EventsAir Opening Screen
Exploring the Opening Screen
Global Reporting
Different EventsAir Modes
User Tools (global tools menu)
Contact Locator Tool
Projects Overview
AIRDrive (cloud storage)
Overall settings & preferences
Before your first event - plan and manage overall settings
Application Setup (overview)
Application Setup - System Setup
Application Setup - Advanced Setup
Application Setup - Libraries
How-To Guides
Quick-start guides
Creating an event - basic checklist
Create your event website
Create an interactive (registration) site
Create a Confirmation Merge Doc - Quickstart Guide
Create an Attendee App
Create an Organizer App
Create a Name Badge
Group Management - Quickstart Guide
Sponsorship Management - Quickstart Guide
Quick-start guides - useful tools & tips
The drag-and-drop builder
Searching and Filtering
Image Management in EventsAir
Localization (language variations for sites, emails, apps & portals)
Personalized Links (Auto Login Tokens)
Using Logic in your Interactive Site
Data Protection Quick Guide
Using Multi-Currency in EventsAir
EventsAir Attendee App - Conference Attendee Guide
Fast Track Learning Platform
Detailed How-To Guides
Managing Presentations and Abstracts
Managing Exhibitions & Trade Fairs
Managing Groups
Tips for VIP and elite group management
Membership Management (Membership Contact Store event type)
Accounting in EventsAir - Overview
Meeting Matching tools
How to create and use a Contact Store
Managing Attendees (incl Presenters, Exhibitors & Sponsors)
Attendee management - Overview
Attendee management - Module items
Attendee management - Dietary
Managing Attendee Financials
Attendee payments
Attendee invoices
Attendee refunds (including credit notes)
Attendee Audit Trail and Receipts
Attendee Engagement (polls, Q&A, EventStream)
Live Q&A and Live Polling
EventStream Social Network
Gamification using EventStream Engage
Tips for going on-site (incl. videos)
Preparing to go onsite with EventsAir
Setting up Kiosk Mode in a Chrome Browser
Going Onsite - FAQs
Options for Check-In and Check-Out
Using location beacons
Security, Privacy & Data Protection
PCI compliance - overview
GDPR Compliance Checklist
EventsAir's Data Protection Toolkit
Other detailed guides
How AIRCast streaming costs are calculated
Exhibitor Lead Management in EventsAir
Best Practices for Canceled & Postponed Events
Live Streaming a Zoom Meetings Presentation via YouTube or Vimeo
EventStream Game API (Version 2.0)
List of various detailed guides
Setting up Google Tag Manager on your interactive (registration) site
Create an event (settings)
Which button does what
The EventsAir Panels
The event dashboard
Event dashboard
Setup Panel (set up your event)
Setting up modules (Registration, Functions, Accommodation, Exhibitions etc)
Payment Statuses, Payment & Cancellation (various modules)
Managing waitlists (various modules - setup)
Discount Codes (various modules - setup)
Contact module (setup)
Notes module (setup) - note types
Marketing module (setup) - marketing tags
Surveys module (setup)
Registrations module (setup)
Functions module (setup)
Accommodation module (setup)
Travel module (setup)
Presentations module (setup)
Exhibition module (setup)
Sponsorship module (setup)
CE Courses module (setup)
System Setup - Event
System Setup - Brand Editor
System Setup - Financial Settings
Advanced Setup - Accounting
Advanced Setup - Packages
Advanced Setup - Project Manager
Advanced Setup - Run Sheet
Advanced Setup - Name Badge Editor
Advanced Setup - Custom Fields
Agenda Panel
Agenda - overview
Agenda - tools & features
Attendees Panel
Attendees Panel overview
Action Buttons
Adding (manually) or deleting an Attendee Record
Attendee Photos
Change Logs
Data Processing Log
Access Log
Pinned Record Sharing
Searching Attendee Records
Reporting Panel
Reporting Overview
Create Quick Report
Editing Reports
Report Preview
Custom Report Store
Communications Panel
Communications Panel - overview
Communications Panel - Marketing Merge Docs
Communications Panel - Confirmation Merge Docs
Using Surveys
Social Media Marketing
EventStream Manager
EventStream Manager
EventStream Engage Definitions
Creating Goals
Defining Badges (Gamification)
EventStream Engage in the Attendee App
EventStream Engage in the EventsAir App Store
Prizes and Coins
Alerts Panel
Alerts Panel overview
Accounting Panel
Accounting panel overview
Account Inquiry
Export Manager
Journal Entry
Supplier Invoice Management
Supplier Payment
Supplier Audit Trail
Project Panel
Project Panel - overview
Project panel (Event Project Manager) features
Run Sheet Panel
Run Sheet overview
Run Sheet features
Online Panel
Online Panel - overview
Event Website Builder
Interactive (registration) sites
Attendee App
Organizer App
App Store
Express Actions Panel
Bulk Cancellation
Bulk Change
Bulk Creation
Bulk Delete
Bulk Add Engage Points
Duplicate Finder
Import Data
Open/Close Payment Batches
Update Contact Store
Waitlist Management (in Express Actions)
Apply CE Credits
Auto Event Check In
CE Course Attendance
Exhibition Stand Allocation
Function Table Allocation
Issue Invoices (in Express Actions)
Meeting Matching (in Express Actions)
Name Badges (in Express Actions)
PDF Merge Doc
Process GDS Data (import travel bookings)
Re-Issue Invoices
Room Release
Comprehensive & Standard Exports (including Quick Exports)
Info on apps & portals
Presentation & Speaker Apps/Portals
Presentation Portal
Reviewer Portal
Abstract Workflow App
Live Session & Presentation Apps
AV Technician App
Presenter Prep Room App
Live Q&A App
Live Poll Results App
Onsite Check-In & Management Apps/Portals
Access Control App
Bulk Check-In App
Collection App
Onsite Portal
Self Check-In Kiosk
General Attendee Management Apps/Portals
Event Info Site App
Function Table Allocation App
Photo Review App
Hotel Room Availability App
Group Management Apps/Portals
Group Registration App
Group Accommodation Portal
Group Allocation Portal
Client & Vendor Portals
Client Info Portal
Dietary Requirements Portal
Hotel Portal
Exhibitor & Sponsor Apps
Exhibition Portal App
Sponsorship Portal App
Continuing Education & Membership Portals
Member Portal
CE Instructor Portal
CE Portal
Meeting Matching Apps
Pre-Scheduled Meeting Preference App
Meeting Diary App
EventStream (Social Media) & Gamification Apps/Portals
EventStream Engage Analytics App
Engage Redemption App
EventStream Leader Board App
EventStream Wall App
EventStream Album App
Education Webinar library
January Webinar 2025 - Behind-the-scenes magic - Submit Actions & Packages
November Webinar 2024 - Exploring the new-look EventsAir
September Webinar 2024 - EventsAir basics in under 50 minutes
July Webinar 2024 - Say it your way (language localization)
May Webinar 2024 - Let's talk travel
March Webinar 2024 - Attendee Financials
January Webinar 2024 - Mastering Merge Docs
November Webinar 2023 - Making a splash with your Event Website
OnAIR platform information
Virtual & Hybrid Events in the OnAIR Platform
Planning content for your virtual or hybrid event
External Services needed to use OnAIR
Tips on producing a great virtual event
AIRCast and AIRCast Studio
Introducing AIRCast Studio Lite
More about the AIRCast streaming platform
AIRCast Studio
Using Language Interpretation and Closed Captioning
Interpretation Volume Control
The OnAIR Portal
Configuring your OnAIR Portal
OnAIR Portal Options
Control Room - OnAIR Portal
OnAIR Portal Options
App Settings - OnAIR Portal
2D Mode Settings - OnAIR Portal
3D Mode Settings (Optional) - OnAIR Portal
Remote Attendee Mode Settings (when using OnAIR)
OnAIR Portal Sponsor Settings
AIRCast Session Lower Third Graphics
Poster Sessions - OnAIR Portal
Virtual / Hybrid Functions in the OnAIR Portal
Exhibitions - OnAIR Portal
Meeting Hub - OnAIR Portal
Live Support - OnAIR Portal
Help Widget - OnAIR Portal
Advanced Style Settings - OnAIR Portal
EventStream in the OnAIR portal
Setting Up Your Virtual Content
Setting Up Your Virtual Content
Setting Up Virtual Attendee Registration (and Live Streaming)
Creating Webinar Sessions
Creating Pre-Recorded Sessions
Creating a Live Broadcast Session
Creating AIRCast Studio Sessions
Creating Targeted Sessions and Functions
Creating Virtual Networking Functions
Creating Virtual Conversation Groups
Creating Interactive Workshops
Setting Up The Control Room
3D Mode in OnAIR
Remote Attendee Portal
Advanced Functionality
Advanced Functionality of OnAIR
Pre-Session and Post-Session Videos and Images
OnAIR Advanced Functionality - Live Support for Attendees
Gamification with EventStream Engage
Meeting Hub
Meeting Matching in virtual or hybrid events
Exhibitor Lead Management
Exhibitor & Sponsor Promotion in OnAIR (and EventsAir)
Suggested Questions for Exhibitors
Exhibitor Live Presentations
Resource Gallery
OnAIR Analytics
OnAIR Additional Resources
White Papers and Briefings (OnAIR)
Handouts and Explainer Videos
Video snippets (for clients)
Sound Clips
Presenter Information - Sessions in the OnAIR Portal
Technical Briefing: AIRCast External RTMP Live Feed
Video streaming in security-conscious settings (whitelisting)
Version & Platform Updates
Version info
Version Info Overview
Version 16.1.0 - November 2024
Previous version & service pack info
Version 16, SP1 - Oct 2024
Version 16 - October 2024
Version 15.1, SP7 - August 26-27, 2024
Version 15.1, SP 6 - July 9, 2024
Version 15.1 SP5 - June 4, 2024
Version 15.1 SP4 - April 23rd, 2024
Version 15.1 SP3 - February 6, 2024
Version 15.1 SP2 - December 7, 2023
Version 15.1 SP1 - November 28, 2023
Version 15.1 - November 7, 2023
Version 15 SP6 - September 28, 2023
Version 15 SP5 - August 15, 2023
Version 15 SP4 - June 22, 2023
Version 15 SP3 - May 23, 2023
Version 15 SP2 - March 16, 2023
What's New in EventsAir 15
What's New in EventsAir 14
What's New in EventsAir 12.1
What's New in EventsAir 12.0
What's New in EventsAir 11.1
What's New in EventsAir 11
What's New in EventsAir 10
What's New in EventsAir 8.0
What's New in EventsAir 7.2
What's New in EventsAir 7.1
What's New in EventsAir 7.0
What's New in EventsAir 6.1
What's New in EventsAir 6.0
What's New in EventsAir 5.1
What's New in EventsAir 5.0
What's New in EventsAir 4.2
What's New in EventsAir 4.1
What's New in EventsAir 4.0
What's New in OnAIR Version 6
What's New in OnAIR Version 5.1
What's New in OnAIR Version 5
What's New in OnAIR Version 4
What's New in OnAIR Version 3
What's New in OnAIR Version 2
What's New in the February 2021 OnAIR Feature Pack
What's New in the October 2020 OnAIR Feature Pack
EventsAir Platform Updates
Microsoft Azure Time Series Insights update
EventsAir Azure Migration - Overview & FAQs
Azure migration - extra information and miscellaneous FAQs
EventsAir Azure migration - Payment Gateways with Static IP addresses
EventsAir Azure Migration - Custom Domains
EventsAir Azure Migration - Custom Development
EventsAir news
News Archive
Support & FAQs
FAQs - Quick fixes & troubleshooting
Error messages
Why do I get an error message: 'Payment totals could not be successfully assessed'?
Why is my registration site blocked for some attendees?
Financial-related troubleshooting
Why did stored credit card details expire before the card expiry date?
Why is Pay Online 'grayed out' (not available as an option) in my payment page setup?
Email problems
Why are emails going to recipients' junk mail folders?
Website fixes
Why are Functions not appearing on my interactive site?
Why do 2 'Next' and 'Back' buttons appear on my interactive (registration) site?
Why is my interactive site constantly loading?
Troubleshoot Apps & Portals
Why is an abstract or paper not showing in the Presentation Portal?
Why aren’t items showing up in the “My Agenda” section of the Attendee App?
Why won't my Attendee App save?
OnAir, Aircast, and remote
Why can't my attendee log in to the OnAIR portal?
Why do presenters keep dropping out of AIRCast?
Fast Track or Rising Star (Education programs)
How do I start or get back to the Fast Track program?
Password problems
How can I reset another EventsAir user's password (when they're not getting the reset password email)?
How do I change/edit an attendee's password (or send a reset password email)?
How do I change my EventsAir user password?
Why does my log-in screen keep asking me to create a new password?
Why don't my presenters (exhibitors, sponsors, etc) receive their password reset email?
Troubleshooting miscellaneous issues
Why can't attendees submit survey [responses]?
Why can't I delete an attendee record (and can I undo this action)?
Why won't my attendee's photo (or my Exhibitor's logo, or my Static Content image) appear? [image sizes]
How do I add a 'password reset' page to a portal?
FAQs - Planning to start date
FAQs - Planning - Setup
How do I set up EventAir users with MFA/2FA (multi-factor/two-factor authentication), with a code to their phone or email?
How do I set up EventsAir User Single Sign-On (SSO) for my team (other EventsAir users)?
FAQ - Planning - Online tools (websites)
Can you transfer my existing custom domain (URL) to my event website?
How do I make it mandatory to select at least one from a list of options (e.g. for Functions, Registrations, etc.)?
How do I make the 'next' or back' buttons on an interactive site appear directly under the registration questions?
What internet browsers do you recommend?
Can I choose any image as the icon for the Attendee App icon on a device (home screen)?
Can you connect a custom URL (domain) to my event(s)?
How can I hide published pages on my event website?
FAQs - Planning - Communicating
How can I check if an email's been delivered, and how do I clear the blocked and bounce list in SendGrid?
Why am I having problems getting my survey to work?
How do I add a confirmation email - for new or updated registrations - on a registration site (or other interactive site)?
Can I add an Auto Login Token to my HTML for communications?
FAQs - Planning - Registrations
How can I get an alert when a session, function, or hotel is nearly full?
How do I get extra information during registration using Custom Fields?
How can I tell if there’s an “abandoned cart” on my registration site?
FAQs - Planning - Guest speakers & presenters
How do I allow ongoing editing of abstracts in the Presentation Portal?
In the Presentation Portal, what's the difference between Supporting Documents and Additional Documents?
What's the maximum file size for presentations?
In the Presentation Portal, what's the difference between Supporting Documents and Additional Documents?
Can I see which guest speakers/presenters have (or haven’t) submitted a particular document?
How are reviewers assigned to presentations via the Abstract Workflow app (and how do I create a review panel)?
Why can't an author submit a presentation - it just says 'save as draft'?
Why can't my presenters submit their papers in the Presentation Portal?
FAQs - Planning - Creating an agenda
Can I have multiple items (sessions, functions, breaks) in the agenda with the same name?
FAQs - Planning - Functions, tours, ticketed events
How do you set up a separate contact record when an attendee wants to bring a guest to a function?
FAQs - Planning - Accommodation & travel
What is the meaning of the different ‘Hotel Notification Status’ values?
How do I fix an itinerary that displays in the wrong order, due to flights going across time zones?
How do I make an attendee’s itinerary appear in a particular order?
Why do my accommodation search dates not match my inventory dates?
Can we accept the full accommodation amount rather than just a deposit?
How do I allocate sub blocks to a hotel (and room type if needed)?
FAQs - Planning - Exhibitors
How do I create an exhibitor passport for attendee to track their stand visits?
How do I make Exhibitors appear in the ‘Pre-scheduled Meeting Preference App’?
Why are some exhibitors on the event website displaying under multiple headings?
Why aren’t lead management options appearing in the Exhibition Portal?
Why aren’t scanned leads showing in the Exhibition Portal, when they’re on the Attendee App?
Why can’t I see my exhibitors in the exhibitor module in the event website?
Why do I get too many location QR codes when I try to set up a ‘Exhibitor stand visit’ goal?
Can we create generic lead management questions that appear for every exhibitor?
Can I set up multiple meeting diaries for an exhibitor who has multiple booths?
How do I create and apply a package (e.g. for Exhibitors)?
FAQs - Planning - Preparing to go on-site
How do I put my custom fields into my name badge?
How do I add an image to a report or name badge?
How do I make phone numbers open the phone dialer in my mobile app?
FAQs - Planning - Attendee management (before the event)
For filtering purposes, how do I convert a column of ID's into ID's with a comma between?
How do I exclude/filter out certain groups of people?
How do I download all my attendee photos from AIRDrive?
How do I print information directly from an attendee's record?
FAQs - During your event
Check-in processes
How do I set up a kiosk for self check-in?
What are the options for self check-in / staffed check-in (or check out of) functions and sessions using computers, QR codes, Attendee App, Beacons?
Gamification & EventStream
How do I bulk add engagement/gamification points?
How do I check an attendee's engagement/gamification points?
How do I edit, delete, or moderate posts in EventStream?
How do I enable gamification leaderboards?
How do I set up a raffle-style (lottery-style) prize draw?
How can I make a goal only be visible/active at a certain time?
FAQs - Reporting & project management
How can people who aren't EventsAir users sign in to my Organizer App?
How do I add Attendee QR codes to a report?
How do I change the format for the date and time in a report?
How do I change the name of a report I've just copied?
How do I combine multiple fields into one expression in a report?
How do I make a report into a certificate?
How do I make my reports available in other events?
How do I rotate or flip text or field alignment in a report?
Can I show the Project Manager in the Organizer App?
How do I log into the Organizer App?
FAQs - Accounting & Financial
Should I whitelist IP addresses for payments?
What is a 3-tier payment gateway?
How do I merge two invoices into one?
How do I record a partial payment on an attendee's record?
How do I select a different e-commerce account for specific interactive sites?
What steps do I take to go live with my interactive site, especially if I'm using an e-commerce gateway?
What text can I put on my websites to let attendees know about PCI Compliance (security of credit card details)?
How can an attendee update their credit card details on a hotel booking?
How do I add tax to a Pro Forma Invoice?
How do I manually record a refund?
How do I manually process a payment?
Why can't I change the contact details on an issued invoice?
How do I transfer a payment from one item to another (same record)?
FAQs - Other ways to use EventsAir (Membership & CE Courses)
What are the optional course tabs for in the CE module?
FAQs - Live streaming & remote attendees
How do I get a presenter or moderator view for a session?
Can I disable AIRCast after enabling it?
FAQs - Tips & Tricks
Is there a faster way to enter in dates and times?
What dimensions should I use for images (e.g. to stop them loading too slowly)?
Can I add some code/script to set a maximum number of characters for a field on a registration site?
EventsAir Pay
Getting Started with EventsAir Pay
EventsAir Pay powered by Stripe
EventsAir Pay powered by Stripe – User guides & how-tos
EventsAir Pay powered by Stripe – FAQs
EventsAir Pay powered by Stripe – PDS (Product Disclosure Statement)
EventsAir Pay powered by Stripe – Terms & Conditions
EventsAir Pay powered by Stripe – Other Terms & Conditions
EventsAir Pay powered by Airwallex
EventsAir Pay powered by Airwallex - User guides & how-tos
EventsAir Pay powered by Airwallex – FAQs
EventsAir Pay powered by Airwallex - PDS (Product Disclosure Statement)
EventsAir Pay powered by Airwallex – Terms & Conditions
EventsAir Pay powered by Airwallex – Other Terms & Conditions
EventsAir Pay Privacy Policy
Creating a refund in EventsAir Pay
OnAIR platform information
AIRCast and AIRCast Studio
Introducing AIRCast Studio Lite
More about the AIRCast streaming platform
AIRCast Studio
Using Language Interpretation and Closed Captioning
Interpretation Volume Control