If you have clients or attendees who work for government agencies or other companies with strict network controls, they may only be allowed to access a web address after their organization's IT department has given permission. This is called “White Listing”.
If your registration site (or another app or portal you've created in EventsAir) hasn't been white listed by your attendees' organization, they may be unable to access them from a work device or work network.
We recommend preparing a standard message for attendees and clients if you think this may apply. You can, for example, include this message on your event website, or in emails:
Your network may block your ability to access our registration sites. If you're unable to access any of our sites, please ask your network administrator to white list our web addresses and related URLs.
Providing the correct URL
When providing URLs to attendees, NEVER copy the URL from the address bar of your browser. EventsAir will always prepare the browser to load the site and then the URL will change. If you copy and use the changed URL (second step in the site load process), the results for your attendees will be unpredictable.
To ensure you have the correct URL, use the COPY URL button and use that specific URL only.
Correct method
The URL you copy can be published, added into emails, added as a link on website etc.

If your URL includes "/site/landing", it's the wrong URL and can create issues.