How do I merge two invoices into one?

Sometimes, attendees may add additional items to their record after receiving their initial invoice. Adding another item will create a second invoice, which can be hard for your accounts team to track.

You can combine the invoices by following these steps:

On the Attendee Record:

  1. Click into one of the items (e.g. under Functions) on the first invoice and change the Payment Status from Purchased to Canceled. If the both invoices have been issued, you will need to repeat this for an item on the second invoice.

  2. Go to Financials and under the Invoices tab, Issue the Credit Note.

  3. Finally, go back to the items and change the Payment Status back to Purchase.

  4. Return to the Invoices tab in the Financials section of the attendees record and there will be a new pending invoice for all items. Issuing the invoice will show all the items on the attendees record.