September Webinar 2024 - EventsAir Basics in Under 50 Minutes

NOTE: EventsAir Version 16 is here and if you've already updated, your screen won't look exactly like this video. In the newer version:

  • The event selection screen (opening screen) is cleaner, and Global Tools are under the Menu button.
  •  The Navigation menu (in an event) is on the left-hand side.
  • Some tools have now been grouped (e.g. Attendee Action Buttons in the Attendees Panel are now all under the "Actions" button, top right).
    After a changeover period, all our videos will be updated.

This icon in the toolbar of the video shows the chapters, so you can jump straight to the section you're interested in.
These questions have been collated from the 3 regional webinars. Some questions were asked by more than one person, so you may not see the exact same wording you used in your question. Also we can only answer in general terms, so bear in mind your specific situation may need a different solution.

Read beginner how-to guides here.

Can we automatically change registration from Early Bird to Standard if people missed the payment deadline for Early Bird price?

If people have already registered, you can use the Express Action “Bulk Change” for this. [You'd need to also communicate this change to attendees, of course - you could add a marketing tag using Bulk Creation to all these users before doing the bulk change, and then filter on that marketing tag to send out a merge doc email.] 

Or if you mean you only want Early Bird registration to appear on your registration site up until a certain date, you can set Visibility dates for components when you set up your registration site. (Go into the component settings, Details tab, and set the Visibility dates.)

In the registration form, why does the asterisk for 'required field' sometimes appear on a different side ?

Apologies! This is a known issue and is being fixed in the upcoming release.

How do I set up a recurring payment reminder email? (And will it attach updated invoices?)

You can set up a payment reminder email and have it only send to people haven't yet paid (the list and invoice amounts will udpate). For more information please read this article. 

Are you making updates to the Attendee App?

There's a LOT of work going on in this area. You can find out more by attending our AirWaves product and company info webinars, or you can also talk directly to your Account Manager/Success Specialist. Some of the reviews are very old also. Our Head of Product, James Flynn, will be presenting the updated roadmap at our AirTime conferences later this year so stay tuned!

What's the best way to create a template event? We run essentially the same event, but hundreds of times each year.

You can create one event as the template event, and - if there are variations in the name of the event, look at the possibilty of using merge fields (event name, date etc) in merge docs, so they'll update with the details of the new event. Each time you create a new event, clone the template event.

 This will create the same Interactive sites, merge docs, etc from the template event in the new event. Please test all elements of the new event are correct and have updated. (An example could be some text may be added manually to the interactive site or merge doc and this may need to be updated to the new event details.) 

Cloning won't bring across any attendee details, and there may be some specific portal elements which also don't clone, so talk to Support if you need more specific assistance.

We deliver webinars regularly, and the facilitator needs the supporting staff's details - but how do we add their contact details into a merge doc as they're different each time?

When you set up the Merge Doc email to the facilitators, you can create a separate HTML element, then use filters to have it give the specific session information needed. [Click on the cog, filter will appear as a tab.] If you're having trouble setting this up, you can contact your Success Specialist for more information.