How are reviewers assigned to presentations via the Abstract Workflow app (and how do I create a review panel)?

  1. Log into the Abstract Workflow app.

  2. Click the ‘Allocate Reviewers’ navigation tab to see options:

  3. Search for the paper(s) you want to assign reviewers to by either using the ’Search’ field, ‘Advanced Search’ or the ‘Show All’ button.

  4. Select a Review Panel from the right-hand side. (You need to already have created at least one Review Panel in Setup Panel > Presentations - see more information below.) After selecting the panel, you'll see the names of all the reviewers on that panel.

  5. Reviewers can be assigned manually, either by selecting “Add to all”, or by clicking & dragging names of reviewers into the box next to the presentation name (where it says “Drag Reviewer Here”).

  6. ALTERNATIVELY, the Auto Allocation tool can be used (if you have enabled “Allow Auto Allocation of Reviewers to Abstracts” in the Abstract Workflow App). In this case, select the maximum number of abstracts to be assigned to each reviewer, then the maximum number of reviewers per paper, then “Start”.

    NB - You can create a Review Panel in Setup > Presentations. Scroll down until you see Review Panel, and use the + symbol to create a panel. Name the panel and either add existing contacts, or add new contacts, to make up the panel, then save.