Auto Event Check In

This Express Action automates the check-in process using the Attendee App and either a beacon, or a printed QR code (displayed on a sign or wall in the registration area).

When an attendee walks into a registration area, and their attendee app is running (and bluetooth operating), their app will detect the beacon and this will automatically check in the attendee and print their name badge.

Alternately, the attendee can use their app to scan a QR code on a sign or wall to perform the same action of checking in and having their badge printed automatically.

Setting up Auto Event Check-In

You'll set up at least one computer to run the print service associated with this express action. You could have multiple print stations that different beacons or QR codes can send print jobs to. This would be extremely useful for large registration areas, or even multiple locations.

Your browser's instance of EventsAir will need to be in Kiosk Mode for this to run correctly. Kiosk mode is a feature in Windows operating system (OS) allowing a device to run only specified applications and settings. For more information on Kiosk Mode, read this article. 

You would only enable the Auto Event Check-In print service after all printers are set up and made available to your onsite PCs.

Then, you name your print queue location within the Express Action.

The specific settings for Auto Event Check-In are as follows:

  • Location/Queue Name - Each PC running this Express Action is given a unique name, such as Print Queue 1 or Onsite Check-In 1.
  • Printer - Select the printer to be assigned this print queue.
  • Action - Choose either Print Badge and Check-In, or Check-in Only, depending on your specific requirements.
  • Process Check-Ins from - Choose the Registration Types to make available for Auto Check-In and Badge Printing.
  • Successful Event Check-In App Message - Enter the heading and message to display in the Attendee App when the attendee has been successfully checked-in.
  • Unsuccessful Event Check-In App Message - Enter the heading and message to display in the Attendee App when the attendee is not checked in, due to incomplete payment, or other reasons.
  • Optional Personalized Check-In Message - Enter the Note Type used to write a personal message to a specific attendee. Upon successful check-in, the personalized message is displayed in the attendee app.

Setting up Auto Check-In in the Attendee App

Click here to view details about setting up Auto Check-In in the Attendee App.

Buying your own beacons?

If you purchase beacons directly from EventsAir, all settings are preset and the beacon is ready to use. If you purchase your own beacons, you will need to program several items within the beacon.

For more information on setting up beacons you have purchased on your own, please read this article.