The Abstract Workflow App helps meeting organizers or presentation program committees manage presentation submissions. Once all reviews and scores have been submitted, the organizing committee or chair can use the Abstract Workflow App to see reviews and scores, accept abstracts, create new sessions, assign presentations to sessions, and manage session schedules. |
Setting up the Abstract Workflow App
As for all apps/portals, you need to set up a name, Alias (URL), brand, live dates, and messaging for before and after the app is live. Read this article for more information.
Settings - Abstract Workflow App
- Abstract Document - select the document type from the drop-down list
- Accepted Paper Status - e.g. "Accepted", but can be any Status you wish. (You define these status settings in Presentation Settings.)
- Rejected Paper Status - e.g. "Declined", but can be any Status you wish. (Again, define these status settings in Presentation Settings.)
- Accepted Paper Automatic Merge Doc Sent to Presenter - you can select a Merge Doc to be automatically sent to the presenter when their paper is marked as Accepted.
- Rejected Paper Automatic Merge Doc Sent to Presenter - you can select a Merge Doc to be automatically sent to the presenter when their paper is marked as Rejected.
- Navigation Tabs - the sections that can be visible in the portal include:
- Manage Sessions
- Allocate Reviewers
- Monitor Reviewers
- Accept Abstracts
- Agenda
- Utilities (Abstract Book and Export Reviewer Details)
- Search
- Display unused tracks on each day on Agenda
- No. of Tracks Per Row on Agenda
- Include Presentation Documentation on Agenda - check this box to include the presentation document on the agenda
- Include these Presentation Documents on Agenda - select the desired document types from the list
- Include Biography on Agenda
- Display Chairpersons on Agenda
- Abstract Book Document - select the main document for your Abstract Book. (See how to add supporting documents under Content, Abstract Book below.) This document should be of type Uploaded Document, Plain Text, or Image.
- Show Weighted Score - check this box to show the weighted score for abstract reviews
- Allow Auto Allocation of Reviewers to Abstracts
- Replace Paper Number with Paper Reference - display your custom Paper Reference Number instead of the default Paper Number
- Override Brand width to Full Screen - use the full width of the screen to display the information, otherwise the settings from your brand will be used
- Capture additional paper information - hit the Setup button (it looks like a cog) on a paper on the Allocate Abstracts tab to enter additional information
- Capture Paper Reference
- Capture Presentation Time
- Capture Question Time
- Capture Poster Board
- Capture Notes
- Allow documents to be edited
Changes made to the default language in Application Settings will affect all events. However, you can still make unique local changes for each portal in each event in the Portal Setup. Read more about Localization.Localization
Changing the wording in the app/portal
Content - Abstract Workflow App
- Navigation - enter the menu text for your portal pages. You can also have up to 3 additional pages.
- Headings - enter the page headings for your portal pages.
- Instructions - includes a place to enter custom instructions, or other information, for your portal pages.
- Abstract Book - enhance your abstract book with a collection of up to five Supporting documents. You can also add section headings.
- To get supporting documents to appear in the drop-down list here, be sure to tick "Presentation Supporting Document" in the Document Setup.
- These Documents should be of type Uploaded Document, Plain Text, or Image.
- Advanced Search - you have these options for advanced searching in the Abstract Workflow App:
- Show Theme
- Theme Label
- Show Session
- Session Label
- Show Presentation Type
- Presentation Type Label
- Show Status
- Status Label
- Presentation Filter - This option lets you define different workflow apps based on different search filters such as by Type, Theme or Sub Theme. This is useful for larger speaker programs where you have different teams working with different subsites of presentations - each workflow app can be filtered to display a different subset of presentations.
Using the Abstract Workflow App
The home page can display a welcome message, and any other basic information required.
Manage Sessions
Here you can manage Sessions, Concurrent Session Blocks, and Locations:
- Sessions - the Sessions tab will show all Sessions
- Press Search to show all, or enter a part of the Name in the Search box, then press Search.
- Press Create Session here to make a new session, or Edit to modify an existing one.
- Concurrent Session Blocks - the Concurrent Session Blocks tab will show all Concurrent Session Blocks:
- Press Search to show all, or enter a part of the Name in the Search box, then press Search.
- Press CreateConcurrent Session Block here to make a new Concurrent Session Block, or Edit to modify an existing one.
- Locations - the Locations tab will show all locations:
- Press Search to show all, or enter a part of the Name in the Search box, then press Search.
- Press Create Location here to make a new Location, or Edit to modify an existing one.
Allocate Reviewers
Here you can search for papers, and assign reviewers for each paper.
- Press Show All to show all papers, or enter a part of the Name in the Search box, then press Search.
- In the Panel box (on the right), select a panel to see all available reviewers.
- Drag and drop a single reviewer onto a paper. You can also:
- Drag and Drop "All Panel Reviewers" to assign all to a single paper.
- Press the "To All" button to have a single reviewer (or "All Panel Reviewers") assigned to all papers.
- To remove a reviewer from a paper, press the "X" button.
Monitor Reviewers
Follow these steps to see a list of all reviewers, and whether or not they have completed their review:
- Press Show All to show all reviewers and papers, or enter a part of the Name in the Search box, then press Search.
- Each paper will have a tick (completed) or a cross (not completed).
Accept Abstracts
Once the Review process is complete, use this page to either Accept or Reject a presentation.
Allocate Abstracts
Here you can take the Abstracts and assign them to individual Sessions.
- Press Search to show all papers, or enter a part of the Name in the Search box, then press Search.
- In the Session box (on the right), select a Session.
- Drag and Drop papers into the Session box to assign them to that Session.
View the complete Agenda, showing all Sessions.
Abstract Book
Create your Abstract Book (as a Microsoft Word document) here.
- Filter your data on Themes, Sessions, Presentation Types, and Statuses. Simply select ALL for everything, or pick one or more options in each listbox to narrow your search.
- Pick which fields you want to appear.
- Select an order.
- Press Download Book to begin.
Export Reviewer Details
Export details for all reviewers (to a Microsoft Excel document) here.
- Select Complete papers, Incomplete papers, or both.
- Filter your data on Themes, Sessions, Presentation Types, and Statuses. Simply select ALL for everything, or pick one or more options in each listbox to narrow your search.
- Select an Export Type - Quick, or Comprehensive for more fields.
- Press Export to begin.
A quick lookup of paper details.
- Enter the Paper Number, or part of the Title or Presenter's name to see a list of matching papers.
- For more Search options, press Advanced Search.
- To update Paper details, press the Edit button.