The event dashboard is your "information central" to keep on top of the key metrics and activity for your meetings and events. Consisting of snapshots, small windows and "widgets", these user-friendly data points have icons to represent key categories of information.
In EventsAir, you can create a detailed Agenda with general sessions, break-out sessions, functions, activities and general information. Once you finish creating the Agenda, you can publish it in numerous places, including the event's website, Merge Docs and the Attendee Mobile App.
In the Attendee Panel you can collect standard contact information such as the name, address, email, telephone number(s) and even a photo of each attendee, plus create as many custom fields as you need for any additional contact data you require. You are also able to import images for use in mobile apps or agendas.
The Reporting Panel is a comprehensive reporting system that lets you access and customize dozens of pre-built reports, as well as create custom reports for your specific requirements.
Communicate with everyone involved in the event - attendees, exhibitors, speakers, vendors and personnel - through a sophisticated and robust communication platform.
The EventsAir tools allows you to send targeted communications before, during and after the event.
Alerts are real-time notifications, sent when inventory levels are reached or exceeded, and when other actions occur within EventsAir. These alerts are extremely useful for staying on top of critical deadlines or inventories, and allow you to respond quickly when the situation demands it.
Manage all facets of your event's financials through our powerful Accounting platform. This includes a Budget feature, which allows you to create and store multiple budgets and revisions.
The Accounting system also manages payments, including tracking how payments were made (cash, credit card, check or wire transfer), applying payments properly, and handling payments for extended stays and partner buy-ins on incentive trips.
Map out your master plan with this powerful project management tool. Completely integrated throughout EventsAir, this tool lists tasks, dates, and deadlines to keep track of how the event is progressing.
There are four unique views of the Project Manager:
- Grid
- Cards
- Calendar
You can manage all of the micro-tasks needed to successfully deliver your event with our comprehensive Run Sheet tool. The tool lists the tasks allocated to team members, and shows exactly what needs to be done, where and when. As tasks get completed, they get checked off and the Run Sheet updates instantly.
Online is where the action is, and EventsAir makes it easy to be online in a variety of useful ways. From the Online panel, you can create your:
- Event Website
- Interactive (registration) sites
- Mobile Apps (Attendee App & Organizer App)
- Various Apps & Portals from the EventsAir App Store