EventStream Social Network

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EventStream is a private social network for your events and meetings, allowing your attendees to post photos, videos, and comments, within a social media network exclusive to your event. Your attendees can participate in EventStream through their Attendee App as well as view the EventStream Wall, a scrolling event announcement display you can project in public areas and in meeting rooms. You can even automatically re-Tweet posts from Twitter/X that use your event hashtags.

You can manage the entire experience, add in sponsor advertising, and moderate all postings. You can also generate the EventStream Album, an automated video montage highlighting the most-liked images from EventStream, to share at end of your event.

Why use a private social network?

Many event organizers love how social interaction and networking go hand in hand, especially during a live event. Comments, images, videos and more, about sessions, functions and special events all contribute to the energy and “buzz” at an event.

While social media hashtags will be part of many events, a private social network allows attendees to be more confident that their comments and images aren’t public and will often engage at a higher and more enthusiastic level.

You may also want to read this article about using EventStream to create goals, prizes, leaderboards and other competition (gamification) to increase attendee engagement at your event.

Setting up EventStream

EventStream is configured and managed in different areas:

  • EventStream Manager – accessed via the Communications Panel
    This is where you set up and monitor your live feed, advertising, moderation of posts and leader boards, and other configuration settings.

  • Attendee App (add components using the builder in the Online Panel)
    - EventStream component - the scrolling EventStream feed where attendees can see real time posts, images, videos, tags and comments.
    - EventStream Leader Board Component – if enabled, this shows the scrolling list of EventStream leaders in categories such as:
    • Top 10 Posts
    • Top 10 Contributors
    • Top 10 Commenters
    • Top 10 Mentions
    • Top 10 Tags

  • Organizer App (add components using the builder in the Online Panel)
    - EventStream Component - the scrolling EventStream feed, plus the ability to edit or delete posts.
    - EventStream Reporter Component – allows members of the onsite management team to add posts and hashtags.

  • App Store - EventStream Wall App - allows you to project or display the EventStream in real time, along with sponsor advertising and program announcements.
  • App Store - EventStream Album App - produces a closing video montage using the top 100 posts. You can add a soundtrack and a closing message to the video. 

The EventStream Workflow

Before your event:

  1. Configure EventStream in the EventStream Manager (in Communications Panel). This will include setting up setting up advertisers and sponsors, post moderation (if desired), enabling leader boards, and including Twitter feeds/hashtags and automated posts.
  2. Enable check-in via EventStream (if desired) when setting up Sessions and Functions (and add to Moderated Posts settings in EventStream).
  3. Add and configure Attendee App components (EventStream & EventStream Leader Board).
  4. Add and configure Organizer App components (EventStream & EventStream Reporter).
  5. Install and configure the EventStream Wall App (feed and Info panel).
  6. Test the EventStream Wall using the Simulation Date option (in Info Panel settings, right at the bottom).
  7. Set up projection systems for the EventStream wall.
  8. Ask your team to start populating the feed with posts, videos, and images.

During your event:

  • EventStream Wall will project on screens (session rooms, public areas such as function rooms).
  • Attendees start posting comments, images and videos via the Attendee App.
  • Organizers monitor postings in the Organizer App, editing or moderating as required.
  • Attendees can see posts in the Attendee App and on the EventStream Wall.

At the end of your event:

  • Run the EventStream Album App to generate a closing video and thank you message.

After your event:

  • Export your posts for a permanent record of EventStream activity.

EventStream in the Attendee App

To add EventStream and EventStream Leaderboards into the Attendee App, just drag them across when using the app builder.

  • EventStream - adds the scrolling EventStream Social Network to the Attendee App. Attendees can post photos, videos (up to 10 seconds), comments, tags, and likes for other entries.
  • Leader Board – displays a real-time updated list of “Leaders” in various categories, including the top ten leaders for:
    • Posts
    • Contributors
    • Commenters
    • Tags
    • Mentions

Items you can configure include:

  • Heading – enter the text you want to appear on the Attendee App screen here
  • Icon/Custom Icon – select a standard icon or upload your own custom icon here
  • Icon Colors – choose the desired colors here for your icon, icon background, icon text, and selected icon color/background color here
  • Post Background and Text Colors – you can choose colors for the post background and text here, up to six different selections
  • Allow Photo Uploads – this option lets the users of the Attendee App upload photos using the EventStream app
  • Allow Attendees to Tag Each Other – this option lets users of the Attendee App tag other attendees or users using the EventStream App.
  • Tagging Records – you can use the default setting, All Contacts with a Registration, or apply a filter to select which attendees you would allow to be tagged in the EventStream App.

Configuring the EventStream Leader Board

Other than controlling visibility (who is allowed to view this feature), all Leader Board settings occur in the EventStream Manager.

All other settings are the typical app settings that are present in every other function in the Attendee App.


EventStream in the Organizer App

You can insert the following components into your Organizer App:

  • EventStream - adds the scrolling EventStream Social Network to the Organizer App. Organizers can post photos, videos (up to 10 seconds), comments, tags and likes for other entries (just like attendees). Additionally, organizers can review, edit and delete posts from attendee submissions.
  • EventStream Reporter - EventStream Reporter is a tool for an assigned party to contribute to EventStream, assign hashtags and a default message (chosen from a list of default messages).

Items you can configure include:

  • Heading – enter the text you want to appear on the Organizer App screen here
  • Icon/Custom Icon – select a standard icon or upload your own custom icon here
  • Icon Colors – choose the desired colors here for your icon, icon background, icon text, and selected icon color/background color here
  • Post Background and Text Colors – you can choose colors for the post background and text here, up to six different selections
  • Allow Photo Uploads – this option lets the users of the Organizer App to upload photos using the EventStream app

Configuring EventStream Reporter

The EventStream Reporter is a powerful and useful tool allowing assigned team members to act as a “reporter” and create posts in EventStream.

The EventStream Reporter allows the input of comments, videos and images along with attendee tagging and a message that can be typed individually or inserted from a list of predefined messages.

Configuring the EventStream Reporter

Elements that you can configure in the Organizer App builder include:

Barcode Tagging – instead of tagging by typing an @ and selecting an attendee, you can enable Barcode Tagging. When enabled, you are able to use the phone or tablet’s camera to scan bar codes/QR codes on attendee badges to instantly tag and insert their name into your EventStream post.

Scan Mode – this option lets you choose between your device’s internal camera or an externally connected scanner or barcode reader.

Default Phrases – you can enter as many default phrases to insert in EventStream as needed. From within the EventStream Reporter, you can also add additional default phrases if needed.

Using EventStream Reporter

Whenever you want to quickly populate EventStream with comments, images and videos, simply assign one or more of your team members as “reporters.”

Using the Reporter, they can wander around an event or break, take pictures or videos, insert default phrases, and either tag manually or use Barcode Tagging to tag attendees in the images and videos.

Testing EventStream

The best way to prepare for using EventStream at your event is to try it out with your colleagues. It’s a great way to review and implement the EventStream workflow, try out the different options, apps and portals, and will create a fun experience for your entire team.

A suggested implemented could look like the following plan:

  • Create a test function and test records with your employee names
  • Print sample name badges
  • Invite employees to log into Attendee App and post entries during the test event
  • Download and test the Organizer App
  • Enable Leader Boards to view leaders in different categories
  • Test both images and videos
  • Test the EventStream Wall in simulation mode
  • Test EventStream Reporter, including barcode tagging of guest names
  • Create a closing video using the EventStream Album app

Other EventStream tips and tricks

  • Use the EventStream Reporter in the Organizer App to start populating EventStream at the beginning of your event.
  • Project the EventStream Wall in public areas between sessions to encourage participation.
  • Send your staff around in public areas during breaks and events to demonstrate the ease and fun of posting images and comments in EventStream.
  • When projecting the EventStream Wall, be sure to set up your browser (such as Chrome) in Kiosk mode to ensure the maximum display area on the screen.
  • Make announcements about Leader Board statistics at sessions to encourage attendees to participate in the EventStream experience.
  • Consider awarding prizes to the top leaders in each category.