Re-Issue Invoices

This Express Action lets you re-generate individual or multiple attendee invoices based on your filtered selections.

Tip: To preserve the integrity of the audit trail, the contents of an invoice can't be altered once it's been issued. (You can edit it while it's pending, however.) Even details like name and address are saved against the invoice when it's issued, and can't be changed later. If you change an attendee's address, then re-issue the original invoice, the re-issue will have the same details as the original - the edited address will not appear. If there's an error on an invoice, you should cancel the item, issue a Credit Note to reverse that invoice, and then issue a new updated invoice. 

To re-issue invoices:

  1. Select your desired output (Email or Print).
  2. Choose what type of invoice you want to print:
  • Invoice
  • Miscellaneous Invoice
  • Both
  1. Use the Target Group filter option to search for the records with invoices you want to re-issue.
    For example, you can search for records with money outstanding from within the Financial Module.

  2. If you wish, you can select Show REISSUE on invoices that have been sent previously.

  3. If you selected Email:
  • Complete the email details as displayed.
  • Select Queue or Send Now to complete your email submission.
  1. If you selected Print
  • Select Print to complete printing your Invoice.

Selected Records tab

After filtering, you can look under the Selected Records tab to see a complete list of the attendees this Express Action will be applied to. 

You may see slightly different buttons underneath the list as those that appear in the image above, depending on the Express Action you're using.

  • You can use all the Selected Records, or just pick out some from within that list. 
  • To exclude individual records, manually deselect them. You can select them again to include them if you change your mind.

    When you're happy with the list, press the "Start" button to start the Express Action (you can also do this from the Details tab).

Save as Data Snapshot

You’ll see this option under the Selected Records tab.

A Data Snapshot captures, or “remembers” the results of a search or report filter so you can re-use the data later. (If you want to save the filter itself, to search on it again later, use the save filter function.)

Read more about using Data Snapshots in this article

Note: Save As Data Snapshot saves the results, not the selection criteria. Any Attendees added after you made this selection are NOT included, even if they match your original filter criteria.  If you want to save the Selection Criteria (instead of the results), use the Save button inside the Filter screen.