How do I rotate or flip text or field alignment in a report?

Sometimes, you want to rotate or flip a field of text, such as to create table place cards with the person’s name upside down on one side (so they can be folded in half), or printing envelopes that must be fed sideways into a printer. The process is pretty straightforward, however we recommend you have finalized any changes to the text, font style, size etc. before rotating.

1. While in the Report Designer (Editor), select the field you want to rotate.

2. Under Label Tasks, in the Angle field, type a number for how many degrees of rotation you want. (i.e. 90 degrees to go from horizontal to vertical, 180 to go upside-down).

Remember to save the report editor before closing.

To rotate backwards, type a negative number i.e. put a hyphen / minus sign in front, for example: -90