Attendee Audit Trail and Receipts

An Audit Trail is a detailed listing of all attendee payment transactions, including items invoiced for, payments received, cancelations and refunds. This is crucial for post-event auditing, which many organizations will routinely do as a security measure.

EventsAir tracks and creates a detailed Audit Trail for every transaction you enter. 

To see the Audit Trail for a specific attendee:

  1. Locate the Attendee Record that has payments associated with it.
  2. Select the Financials Quick Action button.
  3. Click on the Audit Trail Tab.
  4. A detailed account of every transaction showing date and payment details is displayed.

To see a receipt:

  • You can see transactions listed by date and time in the Audit Trail, and click on each to see details. Receipt numbers are also indicated here.
  • The details of the receipt/credit note are shown below the main panel. Canceled items will show in red. 
  • To see multiple attendees' receipt details (or filter to see just the ones you want), go to the Reporting tab and look under Financial reports for "Receipt". Or, see a listed summary of an attendee's receipt details in the report called Attendee Payment Details List. 
  • You can also attach receipts to a Merge Doc in the same way you attach invoices, by dragging them into the Merge Doc builder.

Note: There is an event-wide Audit Trail report available in the Financials section of EventsAir Reporting. This report can be viewed, printed, or exported, and will show every transaction, for every record, since the event was created.