Contact Locator Tool

Many countries now regulate requests for information about what personal data you may have collected and stored, how long you'll keep it for, and what third parties are accessing their information.

The EventsAir Data Protection Toolkit includes a powerful tool called the Contact Locator that lets you search for attendee records across multiple events. If you're a Data Administrator, you can also generate a detailed Data Processing Statement to send to the requesting party.

This statement displays:

  • Name of the event(s)
  • Data Consent Policies in effect for that event
  • Personal Data held in that event
  • Third Parties who've accessed Personal Data

Only EventsAir users designed as Data Administrators can generate a Data Processing Statement.

Using the Contact Locator

The Contact Locator gives you the option to search for contacts by name, phone number, email, contact custom fields, and by payment authorization number or invoice number.

Data Administrators can also select contact records to fully delete across multiple events.

You'll find the Contact Locator tool   under the Menu of Global Tools (top right, Menu button):

You can enter known name details to search across all your events.

You can also search using the search filter, which includes options to search by:

  • Organization
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Contact Custom Fields
  • Payment Authorization Number
  • Invoice Number
  • Event Type (All Events, Past Events or Current Events)
Caution: The Contact Locator will find every instance of the name you search on. You may see multiple instances returned in the search, and they may not all be the same contact. You should review the results of a Contact Locator Tool search and ONLY select the appropriate records to take further action with. You should also verify the identity of the individual requesting the Data Processing Statement.