June 5, 2023

June 5, 2023

Streamlined webinars

We know you're busy, so we're switching up our routine, to make it easier to stay up-to-date with EventsAir! From this month, Education Webinars will alternate with AirWaves webinars, to ensure our content is always fresh and relevant.  

We're doing everything we can to make it easy to sign up for and attend webinars, aligning the times each month no matter whether it's an AirWaves or Education Webinar. We love having you as part of our EventsAir webinar community and are really looking forward to sharing more educational tips and industry insights with more people as our webinar numbers grow! The recording of last month's Educational webinar, on Gamification, is now available here and includes all the Q&A responses and a link to the updated White Paper/Detailed Guide.

...and streamlined Fast Track

A few months ago we announced the addition of video speed controls to Fast Track, and this month we’ve added some further changes to help you progress even more quickly. Throughout Stage 1, you should now notice a streamlined version of each lesson, as the introduction and demonstration video are combined on one page. You may also spot some refreshed imagery and re-numbering to create a unique identifier for every lesson and exercise. (This will continue over the next month as we revamp Stage 2.) Just a reminder also that you can now jump into Advanced Topics at any time – and do them in any order. All you need to do is set up your practice event for these topics by doing the very short “Getting Ready for Your Advanced Topics” lesson.

EventsAir Quick Tip

Stats speak for themselves!

Sometimes, clients or other stakeholders want to see the key numbers about how their event is going (or how it went), and they want to see them yesterday! There are more than 150 standard reports in EventsAir, all of which can be sorted, filtered, and customized (more on that in our upcoming webinar). However, when it comes to getting the big picture in a hurry, nothing beats the scope of the Event Statistics Report. You'll find the Event Statistics Report under the Financials section of the Reporting panel. Crunch the numbers and send them out before your client's even off the phone and tick that job off your to-do list!

June Education Webinar

Reports, reports, reports – you need to know how to tailor them to suit your specific needs, and we have all the customization tips you need in our June Education webinar! You can register for Education webinars, if you're not already on our mailing list, by emailing us: education@eventsair.com  Let us know if you'd also like to be added to the mailing list for our AirWaves webinars (news and updates from the EventsAir team).

If you've attended previous webinars, you can register here, or just keep an eye on you inbox for the invitation email for this month's webinar in mid-June. The webinar will be on Wednesday 28th (with three different sessions to suit your local time zone). 

  • If you missed the May Education webinar (or any previous Education webinars), or you’d like to see the full Q&A from a previous webinar, please visit our Education Webinar Library,
  • Missed an AirWaves webinar? You can see highlights on our blog page.