February 14, 2023

February 14, 2023

Faster Fast Track

Welcome to our first news update of the year! We're always looking for ways to make learning to use EventsAir quicker and easier, and you may have already noticed some small changes to Fast Track and EventsAir Help. We're especially excited about these new features:

  • Video speed controls for all exercises - You can now watch videos at up to twice the speed, or slow them down, as you wish.
  • Progress and course sequence limits on Stage 2 now removed - You can now access all the topics without needing to complete Stage 1. Of course, you can still complete Stage 1 (and will still need to do so, to get your Certification), but now you can also jump directly to topics you need, as long as you've completed Getting Ready for Stage 2 Advanced Topics.

We're working hard on more innovative educational options to help you get the best out of EventsAir and will keep you posted.

EventsAir Quick Tip

Updating Contacts Safely!

If you've set up your event with pre-populated attendee data, how do you let attendees edit their contact details, limit editing to initial data entry only, and avoid auto login tokens being misused? Now, instead of limiting a contact or registration field's editability inside the interactive site, you can set the auto login token to expire after your attendee has used it. This new feature of Version 15 allows your attendee to log in and make changes with a 'one-time' token. To use this feature within an email or merge doc, go into the HTML editor, select the add auto login token option, then the single use only check box and insert your link.

February & March Webinars

In response to requests, we're running a special 2-part educational webinar for February and March, all about managing abstracts, papers, reviewers, and presenters. It's not just for those running academic conferences either; these features can be used to manage anything from job applications to award submissions. In February, we'll run through the process from start to finish. Then for the Advanced webinar in March, we'll explore case studies and different ways to use your abstract submissions and presentations portals.

We hope you can make it, but if not, you're always welcome to review this and any other webinar in our archive: Webinar Archive.