FAQs - Tips & Tricks


Is there a faster way to enter in dates and times?
On registration sites, an attendee will see a universal format for dates, i.e. YYYY/MM/DD or they can use the clickable calendar. In Merge Docs, dates are written as Name of day (e.g. Monday), Month abbreviation, date and year - e.g. Saturday, Feb...
What dimensions should I use for images (e.g. to stop them loading too slowly)?
Large images can cause your website to load too slowly or not at all. Even if you change how an image looks, it can still retain its original large file size (and pixel or dot-per-image count). For example, your graphic designer may have s...
Can I change the font (in my websites, portals and apps)?
There are two options for setting up custom font files within EventsAir. Both are part of what we offer as additional quoted services so please talk to your account manage for more information. Hosting font files on an external ser...
Can I add some code/script to set a maximum number of characters for a field on a registration site?
This article is about interactive (registration) sites. However you may also be able to use this technique on some portals. Sometimes, you may want to limit the number of characters that can be added into a field. You can do this ...