December 11, 2023

December 11, 2023

December has been a big month for EventsAir so far! With a spotlight on all things Product and Technology, we’re here to wrap up some of our latest insights, releases, and exciting updates from the EventsAir team.

AirTime Wrapped

Three weeks, three countries, and three incredible groups of attendees. With AirTime 2023 coming to an official end, we just wanted to say thank you.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of AirTime – from our inspiring speakers, awesome sponsors and dedicated team to our fantastic customers who brought their enthusiasm and insights.

Whether you joined us in-person or virtually, your presence was greatly appreciated! We’ve had a lot of positive feedback so far on our shift in focus, the quality of the content and our transparency as a business.

We cannot wait to see how the next 12 months evolve and to see you all at AirTime 2024.

Product Update

EventsAir Pay is here

Taking registrations and accepting payments should be easy, simple, and secure. And, we want to make it even easier for people to register and attend your events. That is why we have built EventsAir Pay – our seamlessly integrated solution for all of your payment needs.

With EventsAir Pay you will experience: 

  • A seamless and beautiful registration process, helping you reduce abandoned registrations and maximize revenue instantly.
  • Superior support and monitoring as we proactively monitor and swiftly address any disruptions, saving you valuable time chasing third parties.
  • Diverse payment options – from credit cards to digital wallets such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
  • Global remittance made easy. We’ll handle currency complexities and foreign exchange for you.
  • AirWallex’s premium payment technology and innovation.

Eager to learn more about EventsAir Pay? Please reach out to your Account Manager or contact

Product roadmap

We’ve listened, we’ve learned, and we’ve heard you. Thank you to all our customers for sharing their experiences via our Bug Blitz and Product Roadmap sessions at AirTime.

We now have a selection of clear priorities solely focused on improving performance, fixing bugs, and identifying additional features or functionality in core areas of EventsAir. Based on your feedback, our priorities are:

  • Attendee experience: This is our highest priority. We want to make your attendees’ lives as easy as possible and we’re already working on updates and fixes to support this.
  • Contact administration: Ensuring contact administration is as efficient and streamlined as possible is essential.
  • Broad fixes and updates: We also have a broader set of fixes and updates that focus on comms, reporting, and dashboards.

As a Christmas treat for our customers, we will also be releasing our Product Portal. This will be your new, go-to space for even greater insights and transparency from the Product team. You’ll be able to review our roadmap, and get an up-to-date glimpse into upcoming, current, and future releases. Keep an eye on your inbox for this access.

Technology update

API Version 2

Version 2 of our API has arrived! This is an incredible milestone for EventsAir as we continue to expand upon our API functionality allowing our customers to further build integrations and applications that extend your platform.

A few key highlights from Version 2 are:

  • Finance: Get ready to integrate EventsAir into your favorite finance platforms.
    • Advanced filtering: Discover advanced filtering for contacts, registration, marketing, and more.
    • Capture attendance: Track and capture attendance for events, functions, and sessions.

Further details of this new version can be found on our Developer Portal. Our Developer Portal also provides in-depth documentation to help support you and your teams to deploy integrations.

CRM Smart Connectors

Smart Connectors are your no-code solution for easy, reliable, and secure integrations. We understand that you may not have access to development resources to take advantage of our API framework – this is where our Smart Connectors come in. Our vision is to build out our world-class API with a repeatable and consistent process that directly connects you to the systems that you use every day. 

Our Smart Connectors build a foundation of configurable, pre-packaged integrations for every customer. Smart Connectors will save you hundreds of hours of work as we continually improve, upgrade, monitor, and support your Smart Connectors for you.

Right now, we have Smart Connectors available for popular CRM platforms:

Next, we will be releasing Connectors to Marketo and popular accounting software, such as Xero and QuickBooks.

Looking for a different integration not listed? We are continually building out new Smart Connectors and are eager to explore your integration needs. Please reach out to your Account Manager or contact

Meet our API Migration Services Manager, Jason Hopkins

Say hello to Jason Hopkins! Our very new, and super talented API Migration Services Manager. Jason has an extensive background in providing managed services for both software and infrastructure environments. He is laser-focused on providing supportable, and reliable API solutions to our customers.

You can view Jason’s interview with Chris below:

Help shape our upcoming webinars!

What would you like to learn more about? Our Education webinars occur every two months and they're your chance to nurture and advance your EventsAir knowledge. Help shape our upcoming webinars but submitting your most-wanted topics at

  • P.S. If you've missed a previous Education webinar, or you'd like to revisit a topic of interest, please make sure you visit our Education Webinar Library,