August Webinar 2023 - Taking the hassle out of hotels


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These questions have been collated from the 3 regional webinars. Some questions were asked by more than one person, so you may not see the exact same wording you used in your question. Also we can only answer in general terms, so bear in mind your specific situation may need a different solution.

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Accommodation timeline

Can I see that timeline again?


Can you add the Amenities to the event website or registration site?

Application Setup

Where do you find Application Setup?

Groups - portal, sub-blocks

Group Accommodation Portal bookings come through separately as registrations, do they need to be merged via de-duping?

Can a group book their own sub-blocked rooms online?

Hotel Portal

How do you check that hotels have properly booked people (compared to what hotel bookings are in EventsAir?)

In the hotel portal, when you enable 'display phone' - what field does this pull from? 

Hotel room rates

Can you explain Dynamic vs Fixed room rates again?

What's the difference between Nightly Room Rate and Nightly Room Cost (and do they affect the Commission Report)?

Hotel image size

What's the optimum image size for the main hotel images?


When would you use hotel inventory instead of room inventory?


Is the payment made directly to the hotel or to us and we pass on the cost?

Registration site - component logic

If a package is only available to someone who checks in on the 5th, and checks out on the 7th, how do we set a date option to those specific dates?


Is there way to bulk import the ‘sharing with’ field?

How do you handle online bookings when guests are sharing rooms?