March Webinar 2023 - Advanced Abstract & Presenter Management

Part 2 of 2 video guides to using Abstract & Presenter Management (including Reviewers) features in EventsAir!

NOTE: EventsAir Version 16 is here and if you've already updated, your screen won't look exactly like this video. In the newer version:

  • The event selection screen (opening screen) is cleaner, and Global Tools are under the Menu button.
  •  The Navigation menu (in an event) is on the left-hand side.
  • Some tools have now been grouped (e.g. Attendee Action Buttons in the Attendees Panel are now all under the "Actions" button, top right).
    After a changeover period, all our videos will be updated.


These questions have been collated from the 3 regional webinars. Some questions were asked by more than one person, so you may not see the exact same wording you used in your question.


How do we create a ‘double-blind’ review process?

How does the review process work when you have more than one reviewer?

Do authors get an email from each review, or just one email when all reviews are done?

Is there an easy way to clear the data of reviewers if there is a second round?

We’ve run a review system where reviewers return the abstract to author who edit and resubmit for re-review, but the system doesn’t support this

Re-reviewing: Would be good to have another Paper Status to indicate if it’s being re-reviewed.

What’s the best way to manage multiple rounds of reviews (for example, review of abstract, review of paper, then review of final paper)?


How do you allocate a paper a specific time within a longer session?

Can you confirm the system will display the selected presenter rather than the submitting author in the online agenda?

Asking for information

What’s the difference between Marketing Tags and Custom Fields?

Files / Abstract book

Is there a size limit on the Abstract book - we have upwards of 300 abstracts?

Is the upload limit still 15 MB (related questions about PowerPoints/videos etc)

What happens with the abstract book if you select PDF for the abstract file?

What is the chart/graph option - a picture file?

Can a supporting document be visible in the app? And output to the abstract book?

Interactive site information

Can you make additional information on presentation level make mandatory to fill out?

For setting up the marketing tag tied to the contact record is there a way to have this shown on the Reviewer Portal? i.e. Are you applying for a travel grant? for this question to be visible to reviewers?

Invited speakers

How can we make the submission process easier for keynote speakers?

Marketing tag

Can you run through how to check someone who has logged in but not submitted again please?


Does the Presentation Portal in a Membership Event have the exact same functionality as in a normal event?

2 speakers

If there are two speakers for one paper, can you upload both speakers’ pictures and bios?

Can interactive sites capture biographies?


Our presenters often ask us can they change the background in EventsAir in the OnAir portal – is this possible?