Import and Export (Run Sheet)


This option lets you enter your Run Sheet details in an Excel Spreadsheet and import your project directly into EventsAir. You will want to import data into existing fields and format; however, you can upload any spreadsheet format and EventsAir provides a wizard to help you match your data fields to the corresponding fields in the Run Sheet.


  • You must select a Date Format that matches the date format used in your Run Sheets, and will be reflected in your import details as well.
  • You will assign team members, status and priority items after your import is complete.

What you can import

There are six types of data you can import into a specific project:

  • Name - the name of the Run Sheet item you are importing
  • Note - the Run Sheet task note
  • Start Date - use mm/dd/year or dd/mm/year format as required by your region
  • Start Time - use military (24 hour) time format
  • End Time - use military (24 hour) time format

How to import

When you click on Import, you should follow these steps:

  1. Select your import data file (Excel format).
  2. Select the Date Format for your region (and reflected in your spreadsheet).
  3. Assign each column from your spreadsheet to the corresponding field in the Run Sheet list.
  4. Select Import to complete the import process.


This option will let you export your detailed Run Sheet list to Excel, maintaining the same general format.