Attendee Panel - Notes Module

Notes are extremely useful items that let you record comments, dates, or other specific details about your attendees. Imagine them as yellow sticky notes attached to your client record! Notes are not just for you – they also keep other members of your team informed, so everybody is up to date.

Some examples of different types of Notes:

  • General Notes - notes about birthdays, spouses, business history, etc.
  • Special Requirements - items requested by the attendee that do not fit within the standard fields of your contact record.
  • Exhibitor or Speaker packet sent - lets you keep a record when you send a speaker or exhibitor their packets or other information.
  • VIP details - a place to record important information such as favorite foods, preferred wines, preferred travel arrangements, etc.

The above is not a complete list - you are welcome to create whatever type of note categories that your event or meeting management process requires.

You should also be mindful of privacy and data protection when using Notes. 

Adding Notes to an Attendee Record

Before you can add a Note, you need to have the Note Type set up (this is done in Set Up panel). Read more here.

Then just go to your attendee record, select the Note type you are adding, and enter the Content. The Content field will stretch to accept multiple lines, if needed.