Inventory Alerts

Inventory alerts are generated automatically by EventsAir for any item in EventsAir that can be assigned an inventory level. Whether or not you define an inventory limit (or leave unlimited), each of these items are displayed with their current inventory numbers. These alerts provide key information to the organizer regarding any aspect that relates to inventory. For example, when accommodation rooms run low, tickets get sold out, or a waitlist starts, you will receive an Alert.

  • Clicking on the Inventory Item will jump to that item in Setup where you view or edit the task details.
  • Clicking on All will display the expanded view of Tasks that include Team Member details.
  • Inventory levels are shown to the right of each item.
    • Items that show unlimited inventory will be indicated with an infinity symbol () on the right side of the inventory indicator.
    • Items that have zero activity will also be displayed.
  • Export to Excel - this option lets you export all Alert information to an Excel Spreadsheet.

Automated emails can be sent to designated parties when new alerts are generated. These email alerts can be sent to different parties based on the alert level.

See Event Advanced Setup for information on sending automated organizer alerts based on Alert Level.